Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Greetings everyone. I hope everyone has had a chance to relax and enjoy the holiday break. I have been sick for the past week. (nasty cough) I am just glad that it happened during the break and not during class time. Anyways!. So, this coming semester history repeats itself, I will be teaching two classes. 3-D and Woods I. I have a new schedule for 3-D so I think it will be very exciting. I am exited about teaching 3-D and really really hope that this class turns out better than the last. Is just like I heard someone say. The first pancake always goes to the dog. So I guess that was my firs 3-D pancake. But, fear not for I am a strong believer and I do believe that this will be a great semester. I will post pictures of the last 2 projects we had in our woods class. I send shout outs to some of my students who did a great job in the last two projects, Keith, Alison, Scott, Vanessa and Daria. Most amazing work for a beginning student. So here's the stuff enjoy. And, I will write more over the next week or two.